Daytime Noise Monitoring Results
Station M5, Chuk Lam Ming Tong
Date Start Time End Time  Weather Noise level (dB(A)), 30 min Major Construction Noise Source(s) Observed Other Noise Source(s) Observed Remarks Temp. (°C) Wind Speed (m/s) Noise Meter Model / ID Calibrator Model / ID
Leq L10 L90
03-Feb-15 13:30 14:00 Sunny 69 72 59 Concrete braeaking, operatoring of excavator Road traffic noise  N.A 17.1 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684503 B&K 4231  S/N:  3004068
10-Feb-15 11:28 11:58 Sunny 62 64 55 Concrete braeaking, operatoring of excavator Road traffic noise  N.A 14.5 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684503 B&K 4231  S/N:  3004068
17-Feb-15 09:53 10:23 Foggy 63 66 58 operatoring of excavator Road traffic noise  N.A 19.2 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2800932 B&K 4231  S/N:  3003246
23-Feb-15 13:00 13:30 Cloudy 62 64 58 operatoring of excavator Road traffic noise  N.A 18.6 <5 B&K 2238   S/N : 2684503 B&K 4231  S/N:  3004068
Max 69
  Min 62
Average 64